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Plus Size Tummy Tuck®

If you have experienced massive weight loss and are now pursuing a tummy tuck, Dr. Repta provides among the best Plus Size Tummy Tuck® results in Scottsdale. Dr. Repta has years of experience assisting plus size patients achieve their desired aesthetic goals. Often times, patients that are Plus Size Tummy Tuck® candidates are also interested in FUPA surgery in Scottsdale. The FUPA, or Fat/Full Upper Pubic Area, can be reduced, lifted, and tightened during the tummy tuck procedure. For additional information about the Plus Size Tummy Tuck® procedure, go to Dr. Repta’s tummy tuck website.

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Tummy Tuck

Pregnancy stretches the abdominal muscles and creates stretch marks on the skin. A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, accomplishes several goals. Excess fat and skin are removed which in many cases eliminates the majority of the stretch marks. The abdominal muscles are tightened creating the coveted flat tummy. An additional health benefit is that tightening these muscles also creates more stability and strength in the area. For additional information about the tummy tuck procedure including the benefits and recovery time needed, go to Dr. Repta’s tummy tuck website. It has a wealth of material to help you decide if this is right for you.

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Mommy Makeover

Mothers can now shed the unwanted effects of pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding through a custom set of procedures called the Mommy Makeover. Having a combination of procedures during one surgery reduces overall recovery time by many months. For those with an important event on the horizon, this might be the way to ensure you arrive looking the way you would like to look. The usual trio of procedures involves a tummy tuck, liposuction and breast augmentation with or without a lift. There are other body procedures that can be included such as an arm or thigh lift. Each set of procedures is unique; some moms may only need a tummy tuck and some liposuction, while others may want to include surgical and non surgical rejuvenation procedures for their Mommy Makeover.

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Brazilian Butt Lift

A butt lift is quickly becoming one of the most sought after cosmetic surgery procedures in America. This surgery lifts and tightens the muscles in the buttocks creating a sculpted firm silhouette. If an increase in size is needed. Dr. Repta will provide various options to achieve the size and shape you desire. In some cases this will require an implant; in others it may be possible to use a fat transfer procedure.

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Skin Removal Surgery

Skin removal surgery following massive weight loss can often be the final step in unveiling your stunning new figure. You have worked so hard to get to this point. You should be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor!

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Bra Line Back Lift™

Some people who have achieved massive weight loss are left with large pockets of fat that will not respond to diet and exercise. For these patients, Dr. Repta can safely perform large volume liposuction, which targets these stubborn fat deposits creating a proportionate body shape.

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Large Volume Liposuction

Liposuction is among the top 5 plastic surgery procedures performed in America. The popularity of this procedure is due in part to advances in technique and the development of the tumescent liposuction method. This method has increased the safety and comfort of liposuction many times over. Tumescent liposuction uses a very small wand or cannula to deliver fluid containing a powerful anesthetic and vasoconstrictor to the surgical site. This has two benefits; it makes liposuction virtually painless and creates almost no loss of blood. Dr. Repta is able to specifically target and sculpt areas of the body that are creating imbalances. Areas of the body are very resistant to exercise and include the thighs, particularly the outer thighs, the flanks or love handles, the back and the upper arms. These trouble spots respond very well to liposuction.

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One of the most under-diagnosed diseases in women in the United States is a fat disorder called lipedema. Women with this disease typically have a much larger lower body compared to the waist up. Diet and exercise are completely ineffective in reducing this type of fat and as time passes, the areas affected grow larger and heavier. Scottsdale plastic surgeon Dr. Remus Repta provides liposuction lipedema treatment as part of an overall treatment plan.

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Lipedema Treatment

When left untreated, a hernia can cause serious health complications, such as infection or loss of blood to the intestine. Treatment for a hernia typically involves surgical repair – which means abdominal surgery. Dr. Repta in Scottsdale has extensive experience in abdominal reconstruction and repair and in treating a range of hernia types, which may be performed in combination with tummy tuck surgery. For hernia surgery in Scottsdale, Dr. Repta comes very highly recommended.

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Hernia Repair

Dr. Repta provides scrotal lift surgery for those looking to reduce sagging in the scrotum, pain, or embarrassment. Scrotal lift surgery, also referred to as scrotal reduction, is an uncomplicated procedure that leaves minimal scarring with little downtime.

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Scrotal Lift Surgery

If you are looking to enlarge your penis, Dr. Repta provides minimally invasive surgical penile enhancements to help you gain greater girth and a self-confidence boost. The procedure will involve either the injection of a filler or of the patient’s own fat with a brief recovery time.

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