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For some women, a pregnancy or massive weight gain/weight loss due to some health conditions can lead to the loss of body shape. Normal dieting and/or exercising may not work for them to regain their body shape. In such cases, cosmetic procedures may be required to help correct the body shape.

Brazilian butt lift is growing in popularity as a butt augmentation procedure. In this procedure, fat in other parts of the body is transferred to the butt to lift sagging or flat buttocks or correct asymmetry.

Who is a good candidate?

As with any other procedure, Dr. Repta consider the overall health and the specific requirements of contour before determining their candidacy. Ideally, adults above the age of 18 who are healthy can be good candidates for our Brazilian butt lift in Phoenix. If there are any health conditions such as diabetes, respiratory or cardiac-related problems, you may not be a suitable candidate for this procedure. Your surgeon is the best person to advise you on your candidacy.

Doctors also prefer the body weight to be as close as possible to the ideal weight. Since too much of fluctuations in weight can affect the result of a butt augmentation, maintaining a steady weight at least six months before and after the procedure is advisable. There should also be enough fat in other areas to enable liposuction with the skin in these areas being elastic enough to not sag.

Patients would need to avoid smoking and drinking for a specified period of time prior to their Brazilian butt lift in Scottsdale. If you are underweight or do not have enough fat deposits to carry out the Brazilian butt lift with, the Dr. Repta would advise you to gain ten to twenty pounds of weight before scheduling the procedure.

Brazilian Butt Lift Before & After

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The procedure

During your Brazilian butt lift, excess fat deposits in thighs or the flank region of the abdomen are harvested using liposuction. To collect fat from different areas, Dr. Repta will make small incisions into which a cannula or a small tube is inserted.

Different techniques could be used to break the fat, which can be suctioned out of the tube. Some of these include the use of ultrasound vibration, laser energy, air or manual motion. Liposuction may be performed either under local or general anesthesia depending on the amount of fat that is removed.

The amount of fat that is suctioned out depends on the specific requirements of each individual and the recommendations of the surgeon. Dr. Repta wants to deliver only the best Brazilian butt lift Scottsdale can offer, and as such tailors his recommendations to you specifically.

During the procedure, the fat that is collected is processed using a procedure called centrifugation, which purifies the fat. The processed and purified fat is then injected into the buttocks through small incisions using microinjections at various depths to create the desired shape.

Your entire butt augmentation may take up to two hours to complete.

After your butt augmentation

After you butt augmentation in Phoenix, Dr. Repta may advise avoiding sitting or putting pressure on the buttocks for a period of two to three weeks.

A doughnut-shaped pillow can then be used to sit which distributes the pressure on the thighs rather than buttocks.

Compression garments need to be worn for at least six weeks to aid in faster healing and to decrease swelling.

Medications such as antibiotics and painkillers may be prescribed by the doctor. Most patients are able to return to work after ten to twelve days although some may take longer depending on their comfort level. The swelling usually subsides in six to eight weeks’ time although complete healing may take a longer time. Strenuous exercises need to be avoided until the area is completely healed although some light stretches may be advised by Dr. Repta.

It is important to maintain a steady body weight after your Brazilian butt lift, as the shape of the butt can also change with weight gain or excessive weight loss. If pregnancy is planned, some doctors also recommend getting the procedure done after the childbirth.

You can resume your normal activities after two to three weeks. Complete healing takes anywhere between two to six months.

Repta Plastic Surgery


Dr. Repta’s Brazilian butt lift in Phoenix is designed to improve the appearance of the hips by making them fuller and curvier. The procedure also gets rid of excess fat in other areas such as love handles or thighs from where extra fat is harvested for the procedure. The Brazilian butt lift can give your buttocks a youthful, sensuous look and the results can last for a long time if weight fluctuations are avoided.

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A Word From Dr. Repta: Brazilian Buttock Lift

"One of the most powerful ways to improve the shape, size, and appearance of the buttocks is by performing a Brazilian Buttock Lift. This procedure involves the removal of fat from areas of the body where there may be too much fat and placing it in the buttock area to increase projection, increase size, improve shape, and smooth out lumps and bumps.

The Brazilian Buttock Lift goes by a lot of different names but they all refer to the same process of transferring fat from one area of the body to the buttock area. These different names include:

  • BBL
  • Buttock fat transfer
  • Buttock augmentation
  • Fat grafting to buttocks

A BBL (Brazilian Buttock Lift) is the closest thing to sculpting we do in plastic surgery. Common areas to remove fat for fat transfer to the buttocks include but is not limited to:

  • Abdomen liposuction
  • Flanks (sides of waist), aka muffin top liposuction
  • Lower back liposuction
  • Inner thigh liposuction
  • Outer thigh liposuction
  • Bra fat or back roll liposuction

I find that the most powerful results for most patients is to have liposuction done of the waist circumferentially making the waist smaller, narrower, and flatter. The fat removed from this area is then processed in the operating room and injected gently into the tissues of the buttocks to create the shape, size, and projection desired.

About 75% of the fat that is placed for a BBL will survive and this fat will then be there permanently. The BBL procedure is safe, effective, and consistently results in great satisfaction among patients who have it performed."

Dr. Remus Repta


Meet Dr. Repta

Dr. Repta is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has taken the art of enhancing the buttocks to a higher level. His approach is elegant, refined, and focused on achieving the lifted, round look his patients envision. These procedures must be performed with extreme care and rigorous patient health and safety protocols. When under the care of Dr. Repta, you can expect your BBL to be performed by arguably the best plastic surgeon in Scottsdale, who was trained under world-renowned leaders in the plastic surgery industry. His unique philosophy of care involves working closely with his patients as a partner, establishing the treatment goals. 

For a result with a Brazilian butt lift that brings you confidence in your figure, discover one of the best plastic surgeons practicing in Scottsdale and beyond, Dr. Repta.

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To schedule your private consultation, please call our office today at 855 377 3782 or click either the in-office or virtual consult button below.

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Dr. Repta is a top board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in successfully performing the Brazilian buttock lift, resulting in many happy patients. If you’re considering this procedure and would like to learn more, the first step is to schedule a consultation with the doctor. During this private, comfortable meeting, you can discuss your concerns, questions, and goals. Dr. Repta will examine you and design a customized treatment plan just for you. To set up your consultation, we welcome you to contact us today. 

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