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Mommy Makeover Overview

Restoring Your Pre-Pregnancy Body

Our mommy makeover in Scottsdale is a comprehensive procedure created for women who have undergone pregnancy and childbirth. This is an all-encompassing procedure that targets the particular areas of your body that have been changed by pregnancy and childbirth.

What Procedures Are Commonly Included in a Mommy Makeover in Scottsdale?

Routinely, mommy makeovers with Dr. Repta in Scottsdale, AZ, include the following procedures:

  • Breast Lift - Tightens, lifts, and restores the breasts to their pre-pregnancy shape.
  • Breast Augmentation - Fills up and replenishes the volume of the breasts to their original or desired size and shape. This procedure can also provide the precise fullness that is desired.
  • Tummy Tuck - Smoothes, flattens, tightens, and thins your stomach. Stretch marks are removed, fat is reduced, skin and muscles are tightened, and the belly button is rejuvenated.
  • Liposuction - Liposuction removes unwelcome fat tissue from trouble spots like the abdomen, hips, and waist.
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What Is the Cost of a Mommy Makeover in Scottsdale?

A mommy makeover is composed of a variety of different procedures such as tummy tuck, breast lift, breast augmentation, liposuction, and other body contouring procedures that help reverse the effects of pregnancy. Because a mommy makeover is such a variable procedure in terms of complexity and the work required, the cost of a mommy makeover can vary greatly.  A more simple mommy makeover consisting of just a breast augmentation will cost around $10,000-$15,000, whereas a mommy makeover that includes the breasts, tummy tuck, and buttocks can be in the $20,000-$50,000+ range.

Mommy Makeover Breast Procedures

Whether you are looking to enhance, size down, or perhaps just change the look of your breasts after childbirth, mommy makeover specialist Dr. Repta in Scottsdale, AZ, can help.

Learn More About Breast Procedures

Mommy Makeover Body Procedures

As each mommy makeover is uniquely tailored to rejuvenate your body, a variety of cosmetic surgery procedures are available to you.

Learn More About Body Procedures

Prioritizing Self-Care With a Mommy Makeover

The mommy makeover is an entirely unique procedure that is exclusively customized to each patient. It is based on one's body type along with each individual's unique goals. With the guidance of Dr. Repta, you can be sure that you will receive an exquisite mommy makeover in Scottsdale. 

While the act of giving life is truly a remarkable feat, it can leave a woman's body with some changes that may not be desirable including deflated and loose breasts, stretch marks, loose abdominal muscles, and fat deposits where there may not have been before.

It's understandable that women would place their families needs over theirs especially early on after having kids. Although it may be difficult to find the time, the investment in one's own physical and mental well being, with a mommy makeover rejuvenation procedure, will likely be one of the best investments you will make.

Mommy Makeover Patient Testimonial

Dr. Repta was one the best choices I have ever made in my lifetime. I have had a full mommy makeover...he did an amazing job.


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What Are the Benefits of a Mommy Makeover?

Pregnancy and childbirth can significantly impact a woman's body. A mommy makeover offers several benefits, including:

  • Comprehensive body rejuvenation: Addresses the areas most affected by pregnancy, such as the breasts and abdomen.
  • Enhanced contours: Restores fuller, perkier breasts and creates a flatter, tighter stomach.
  • Time-efficient recovery: Combines multiple procedures into one surgery, reducing overall downtime compared to undergoing them separately.

Dr. Repta specializes in mommy makeovers, helping patients restore their pre-pregnancy bodies with natural-looking results.

Why Get a Mommy Makeover in Scottsdale?

A mommy makeover is meant for mothers who are done with childbirth and nursing and now want to restore their bodies to be at or above their prior level of beauty and physique. This procedure is ideal for mothers who have experienced one or more of the following with pregnancy, childbearing, and nursing:

  • Loss of volume in the breasts
  • Sagging breasts
  • Excessive skin tissues around the abdomen
  • Stretch marks on the abdomen
  • Stubborn fat around your body that you can’t get rid of
  • Early signs of aging around your body

The mommy makeover procedure is suitable for most mothers, though you should ideally meet a few conditions before considering a mommy makeover.

Am I a Candidate for a Mommy Makeover?

You may be a candidate for a mommy makeover in Scottsdale if you:

  • Are in good physical health
  • Are close to your ideal body weight
  • Have realistic goals and expectations for the procedure
  • Don’t intend to get pregnant again, as that will reverse the procedure’s results
  • Are done breastfeeding, as a mommy makeover can affect your ability to breastfeed

A Comprehensive Look at Mommy Makeover Risks

Pregnancy and bearing children place the body into a new and unique phase that involves the stretching of the skin in the abdomen or stomach and often the sagging of the breasts. A mommy makeover is a suitable procedure to get rid of these effects of pregnancy, childbirth, and nursing, but it does come with the following potential risks of a mommy makeover.

  • Infections, which we avoid by providing antibiotics before and after the surgery
  • Poor wound healing
  • Unexpected scarring at incision sites
  • Possible nipple numbness and other sensory problems
  • Potential skin numbness or irregularities

These risks can be mitigated by only ever allowing a board-certified cosmetic surgeon who is highly experienced in mommy makeovers. Because the procedure is so versatile, extensive experience is ideal, and we’re proud to report that Dr. Repta is extensively experienced in mommy makeovers.

What Is Recovery Like After a Mommy Makeover?

Many women who have completed having children and are anxious to get their pre-pregnancy bodies back are rightfully concerned about the logistics of recovery. If there are small children in the house, especially babies, the challenge of caring for them is amplified for the first few weeks following a mommy makeover in Scottsdale, AZ.

A mommy makeover is often composed of a trio of procedures: breast lift with or without augmentation, a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), and some liposuction. Recovering from a combination of procedures is not much more difficult than recovering from one. Obviously, you will need more time to recover from two or three procedures than you would for only one, but not nearly as much as having individual surgeries would require.

Arrange for a Helper

Being well-prepared makes all the difference. It is very important to arrange for someone to be the chief caregiver during the first two or three weeks. This will ensure the recovery goes smoothly and also that the healing process is not compromised by having to lift your baby or toddler. You can expect to be extra tired for the first few weeks and will be restricted from lifting, stretching, or performing any strenuous tasks.

Rest is very important during recovery and having a helper makes it much easier to just relax and let the body heal. Dr. Repta will provide detailed instructions to help you during the recovery period. Following them carefully will get you up and about and enjoying the results of having some of the best mommy makeovers Scottsdale can provide.

Take Care of the Little Details

Before your surgery, make sure to get your prescriptions filled, get the shopping done, pay bills, arrange for a pet walker, etc. Prepare your recovery location so you can easily reach what you need. If you live with stairs, try to set up your sleeping area on the main level. Have entertainment materials close to hand as well as anything you will need, such as cold packs, tissues, water, snacks, the TV remote, hairbrush, etc. You will want to clear your schedule for the first few weeks so that all you need to do is recover.

What to Expect When Meeting Dr. Repta for Your Surgical Consultation

A comprehensive consultation with Dr. Repta will help determine what methods of reshaping are needed for the contours of your body that you desire. He desires to deliver superb results, and as such will work with you to establish the best procedures to include in your mommy makeover, tailored precisely to your needs.

Dr. Repta feels very strongly that all his patients ought to be properly informed about any and all surgeries being considered. Dr. Repta, located in Scottsdale, AZ, is one of the most extensively skilled plastic surgeons delivering mommy makeovers.

Dr. Repta standing with his arms crossed

Dr. Remus Repta


Why Choose Dr. Repta for a Mommy Makeover in Scottsdale?

A mommy makeover is not a procedure but a set of procedures selected for the individual, geared to restore or enhance a woman’s body after having children. Dr. Repta is a board-certified plastic surgeon with an impressive resume and is known both nationally and internationally as a leader in the field of advanced plastic surgery. Beyond his exceptional surgical skills and precision approach to mommy makeover procedures, he has a philosophy of care based on establishing an honest partnership between doctor and patient. 

  • Featured in top magazines and TV segments  
  • Trained under world-renowned breast surgeon Dr. Dennis Hammond  
  • Co-authored The Atlas of Abdominoplasty, a global reference for abdominoplasty  
  • Pioneered innovative body contouring techniques like Purse-String Gluteoplasty  
  • Published in leading plastic surgery journals, including Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 

For exceptional results with a mommy makeover in Scottsdale, reach out to Dr. Repta, one of the best plastic surgeons in the area. You deserve the level of care and beautiful outcomes he delivers.

Mommy Makeover FAQs

What is a Mommy Makeover?

A Mommy Makeover is a group of cosmetic treatments strategically crafted to assist women in rejuvenating their bodies to resemble their pre-pregnancy appearance. It typically includes surgeries like breast augmentation, breast lift, tummy tuck, and liposuction.

Can I have more children after a Mommy Makeover?

While it's possible, it's generally recommended to have a Mommy Makeover after completing your family, as becoming pregnant again can negatively impact the results of the procedures.

What is the recovery time for a Mommy Makeover?

Recovery time varies depending on which procedures the patient elects to undergo. It can range from a few weeks to a few months. Most patients are able to start engaging in light activities again after just a week.

Are the results of a Mommy Makeover permanent?

While the results are long-lasting, they are not entirely permanent. Factors like aging and lifestyle choices can affect the longevity of the results.

Will there be visible scars after a Mommy Makeover?

Yes, there will be some scarring, but a skilled surgeon will try to minimize their visibility. Scars usually fade over time.

Can multiple procedures be combined in a Mommy Makeover?

Combining procedures is generally safe when performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon in a certified facility. Your surgeon will assess your health and decide on the best approach.

When will I be able to return to my normal daily activities?

You can usually return to light activities within a week, but patients should refrain from engaging in strenuous activities or heavy lifting for a period of several weeks to ensure that they heal up properly.

How much weight do you lose with a mommy makeover?

A mommy makeover is not designed as a weight-loss procedure but rather as a body contouring treatment to address areas of the body affected by pregnancy and childbirth. While some weight loss may occur due to excess skin and fat removal during procedures such as liposuction or a tummy tuck, the amount is typically modest—often ranging between 5 to 10 pounds. The primary goal is to improve body shape, tone, and proportions, not to achieve significant weight loss. For optimal results, it’s recommended to be close to your ideal weight before undergoing a mommy makeover.

Can a mommy makeover repair diastasis recti?

Yes, a mommy makeover can repair diastasis recti, a condition in which the abdominal muscles separate during pregnancy. This condition is often addressed during the tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) portion of the procedure. The surgeon will tighten the separated abdominal muscles, restoring core strength and creating a flatter, more toned midsection. Correcting diastasis recti can also help alleviate related symptoms such as back pain, poor posture, and abdominal weakness.

Should I lose weight before my procedure?

It’s generally recommended to reach a stable, healthy weight before undergoing a mommy makeover. Most surgeons advise being within 10-15 pounds of your ideal weight to maximize the procedure's results. Maintaining a steady weight before surgery ensures long-lasting outcomes and helps reduce potential risks associated with surgery. If you are planning significant weight loss, achieving your goal weight before scheduling the procedure to avoid altering the results post-surgery is best.

How painful is a mommy makeover?

Pain levels after a mommy makeover vary depending on the procedures performed and individual tolerance, but it’s normal to experience some discomfort during recovery. The combination of procedures, such as a tummy tuck, breast surgery, and liposuction, may result in swelling, soreness, and tightness for the first week. However, pain is well-managed with prescribed medications and proper aftercare. Many patients report that the discomfort is manageable and gradually subsides over a few weeks as the body heals.

Your Private Consultation

To schedule your private consultation, please call our office today at 855 377 3782 or click either the in-office or virtual consult button below.

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Dr. Repta is one of the most experienced and gifted plastic surgeons in the greater Phoenix area. If you’re considering this transformative procedure, he is your ideal choice and we welcome you to set up a consultation with him. During this private, comfortable meeting, Dr. Repta will examine you and closely listen to your questions, concerns, and aesthetic goals. He will then determine the right technique for you and walk you through the procedure and recovery process. To learn more or to schedule your consultation, please contact us. 

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