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Rhinoplasty Overview

Restoring Confidence Through Rhinoplasty

Our nose is in the center of our face, so it plays a crucial component in its balanced appearance. A nose that is too big, too small, or shaped in a way that does not match our face can unbalance our facial appearance. It can leave us with a look that may not match how we feel inside.

Rhinoplasty, or nose surgery, can address both functional and aesthetic issues of the nose. Are you having trouble breathing through your nose? Rhinoplasty can address this. Do you dislike one or more aspects of your nose? Rhinoplasty can address that as well.

A woman with brown hair touching side of her face

Understanding Functional Nose Problems

Our nose functions to help us smell and breathe. Several issues with the nose can be present that may inhibit our ability to breathe properly, including:

  • Deviated septum (septoplasty)
  • Internal nasal valve collapse (spreader grafts)
  • External nasal valve collapse (alar rim grafts)
  • Large turbinates (turbinectomy)

Rhinoplasty, also known as a “nose job” or nose shaping, is a cosmetic procedure used to correct and reconstruct the form and shape of the nose, restore and improve breathing, and aesthetically enhance the nose appearance with respect to facial balance.

Since the nose is commonly the most prominent feature of the face, it can either add to or detract from one’s inherent beauty and facial balance. Often, patients who have been considering a nose job tend to procrastinate, as it can be an intimidating or fearful process for some. With Dr. Repta, a rhinoplasty surgeon in Scottsdale, you are guaranteed top-notch surgical skills and extensive experience. There is every reason to feel confident and excited about the opportunity to improve the appearance and function of your nose.

Having trained under some of the world’s finest plastic surgeons and having many years of experience delivering some of the best rhinoplasties that Scottsdale has to offer, Dr. Repta may be your surgeon of choice.

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Am I a Candidate for Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is the ideal procedure for those who are unhappy with their nose shape and structure, those suffering from functional problems, like a deviated septum, and those who have sustained nasal injuries and trauma. You’re a suitable candidate for a rhinoplasty if you:

  • Are in good physical health, with no serious medical conditions that may affect the surgery.
  • Don’t smoke, or you’re willing to stop smoking for an extended period before and after the surgery.
  • Have realistic cosmetic goals and expectations from the procedure.
  • Your nose has reached full maturity, usually after the age of 15.
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What Is the Cost of Rhinoplasty in Scottsdale?

The cost of rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, varies based on the complexity of the surgery.  Aspects of rhinoplasty that may increase the cost of surgery include revision rhinoplasty since there is often scar tissue present that requires extra care. Rhinoplasty that requires harvesting cartilage, such as rib cartilage, also increases the price.

Additionally, rhinoplasty, which also requires the correction of breathing issues with respect to the nose, often takes more time to complete and, therefore, has a higher cost.  Between a standard primary rhinoplasty - which may be considered the most straightforward - and a complex revision rhinoplasty using rib cartilage, the cost of rhinoplasty can vary greatly in the range of 10K and 40K.

Common Reasons for Wanting a Rhinoplasty

Cosmetic Upgrades: Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures because the nose makes a significant contribution to your facial appearance, harmony, and balance. A crooked or disproportional nose can significantly affect your appearance, leading to self-consciousness and social anxiety. You may opt for a rhinoplasty to change your nose size, alter the angle, straighten the bridge, reshape the tip, narrow the nostrils, or perform other cosmetic alterations.

Functional Improvements: In some cases, rhinoplasty may be necessary to correct some structural defects leading to functional problems, like difficulty breathing, sleep apnea, speech problems, etc. A deviated septum is a condition wherein the central cartilage of the nose (the septum) isn’t centered, leading to breathing problems. Over time, a deviated septum may cause sinus infections, sinusitis, or sleep problems. Rhinoplasty is necessary to address these functional issues.

Medical Reasons: Rhinoplasty may also be necessary if you’ve sustained nasal injuries or trauma. A rhinoplasty can repair or reconstruct significant nasal damages, such as a broken nose or restricted airway. In these cases, the plastic surgeon will identify the root cause of your nasal problems and curate a treatment plan that restores optimal nose functionality.

What Does the Procedure Entail?

During the procedure in his Scottsdale facility, Dr. Repta will make tiny incisions to access the bones and cartilage supporting the nose. The incisions can be made inside the nostrils, often referred to as “closed rhinoplasty,” or outside on the columella, the small column of skin that separates the two nostrils, otherwise known as “open rhinoplasty.”


Of the two techniques, open rhinoplasty tends to be more advantageous as it allows greater visibility and access in making the desired changes. However, both procedures are valid and have their respective advantages on a patient-to-patient basis.

Bone cartilage removal or tissue additions

Next in your procedure, nose surgeon specialist Dr. Repta will either remove bone and cartilage or add additional tissue, depending on the desired result.

Skin re-draping: your new shape

Once Dr. Repta has reshaped the bone and cartilage, the skin and tissue are re-draped over the nasal framework, giving the nose its new appearance. A splint is placed on the nose to protect it and help with swelling during the healing process.

What Issues Can Rhinoplasty in Scottsdale Correct?

There are many benefits to rhinoplasty or nose shaping, and if done right, it can result in not only a pleasing, aesthetic facial appearance but can also lead to restored self-esteem, renewed confidence, and improved breathing. Some of the issues that a nose job can correct are:

  • Too wide of a nose
  • Too long of a nose
  • Too short of a nose
  • A twisted or crooked nose
  • A nasal profile with a dorsal hump or depressions on the bridge
  • Nasal asymmetry
  • A nasal tip that is enlarged or bulbous, drooping, upturned or hooked
  • Nostrils that are too large, wide, or upturned
  • Correct a birth defect or injury
  • Breathing issues
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What Is Recovery & Healing Like After Rhinoplasty?

During the recovery process for rhinoplasty, patients will experience some swelling and bruising as a result of the surgery. Typically, there is bruising and swelling around the eyes and nose. It is advised that patients keep their heads elevated and relatively still for the first few days after surgery to help with the healing process. A cold compress can be used to help reduce the swelling. Dr. Repta will prescribe pain medication to help with any discomfort following the surgery.

Typically, the recovery time for rhinoplasty is about 1-2 weeks, and while the initial bruising subsides within this time, it may take up to one year for your new nasal contour to fully refine. During this time, you may notice gradual changes in the appearance of your nose as it refines to its final result.

Are There Any Risks & Complications with Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a very commonly performed cosmetic surgery with a very low rate of error when done by an experienced board-certified cosmetic surgeon. If you are eager to find the best rhinoplasty in Scottsdale, Dr. Repta may be the surgeon for you.  However, as it is a surgery, it does come with a few inherent risks. These include:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Adverse reaction to the anesthesia
  • Pain and discomfort
  • Breathing problems
  • Numbness around the nose
  • Persistent swelling
  • Possibility of nasal asymmetry
  • Persistent discoloration
  • Visible scarring
  • Septal perforation, i.e., a hole in the septum
  • The eventual need for a revision rhinoplasty
Dr. Remus Repta smiling

Dr. Remus Repta


Why Choose Dr. Repta for Rhinoplasty in Scottsdale?

Dr. Repta is known for excellence when performing a nose job in Scottsdale and for employing the most advanced surgical techniques, along with a rare level of personalized care. His unique philosophy has led to a long list of loyal patients who trust him implicitly. A rhinoplasty is one of the most difficult facial plastic surgeries, and many surgeons avoid performing this delicate surgery altogether. Dr. Repta is focused on custom rhinoplasty surgery, performed with the most advanced surgical techniques. 

Dr. Remus Repta is arguably one of the most accomplished rhinoplasty surgeons practicing in Arizona, and he is known for delivering some of the best plastic surgery Scottsdale has to offer.

Not Ready for Surgical Rhinoplasty?

If you feel you are not ready for surgical rhinoplasty, a popular procedure is non surgical rhinoplasty, which Dr. Repta is highly skilled in. If you are interested, please click here to learn more about non surgical nose jobs. Otherwise, please continue reading to learn more about the rhinoplasty procedure, benefits and recovery process.

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To schedule your private consultation, please call our office today at 855 377 3782 or click either the in-office or virtual consult button below.

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If you’re considering rhinoplasty in the Scottsdale area, Dr. Repta is the ideal surgeon for you. He is among the finest plastic surgeons in the area, delivering transformative results to patients from all around the USA. We welcome you to schedule a consultation to discuss your aesthetic concerns and goals regarding your nose. In a private and comfortable setting, Dr. Repta will determine the right procedure and technique for your unique needs. 

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